Click the icon below to download a group list and rehearsal schedule (in Microsoft Word format) for Keeper of the Tales.
Rehearsal Groups

Pre-Show 1
Minaxi, Necva, Shivani

Pre-Show 2
Merchants, Customers, Hassan, Fishmonger, Donkeys

Bazaar 1
Kamal, Aisha, Princess

Bazaar 2
Kamal, Aisha, Princess, Minaxi, Necva, Shivani

Bazaar 3
Kamal, Aisha, Princess, Merchants, Customers, Hassan, Fishmonger

The Husband and the Parrot
Jabir, Amina, Zanuba, Tufail, Akbar, Ali

The Devoted Israelite 1
Yasin, Khadija, Sayyid, Saad, Fishmonger, Hassan, Mahmud

The Devoted Israelite 2
Yasin, Khadija, Sayyid, Saad, Fishmonger, Hassan, Mahmud, Merchants, 4th Grade Customers

The Donkey Driver and the Two Thieves 1
Shawkat, Khalil, Ibrahim, Ibrahim’s Donkey, Other Donkeys

The Donkey Driver and the Two Thieves 2
Shawkat, Khalil, Ibrahim, Ibrahim’s Donkey, Other Donkeys, Merchants, 3rd Grade Customers

The Fisherman and the Genie
Bharat, Shahida, Anjum, Emina, Lelia, Genie

The Carpet Weaver’s Magic Tale 1
Cassim, Morigana, Seema, Haroun al Rashid, Ghassan Cogia

The Carpet Weaver’s Magic Tale 2
Cassim, Morigana, Seema, Haroun al Rashid, Ghassan Cogia, Merchants, Minaxi, Necva, Shivani

Rehearsal Schedule

8/25Monday3:15-4:00 PMFirst Meeting

8/27Wednesday 3:15-5:00 PMBazaar 1 - Blocking

8/28Thursday     3:15-5:00 PM       The Husband and the Parrot and
The Devoted Israelite 1 - Blocking

9/2Tuesday 3:15-5:00 PMThe Donkey Driver and the Two Thieves 1
& The Fisherman and the Genie - Blocking

9/3Wednesday   3:15-5:00 PMPre-Show 1 & Bazaar 2 - Blocking

9/4Thursday3:15-5:00 PMCarpet Weaver’s Magic Tale 1 - Blocking

9/8Monday 3:15-5:00 PMPre-Show 2 & Bazaar 3 - Blocking

9/9Tuesday        3:15-5:00 PMThe Donkey Driver and the Two Thieves 2
      & The Fisherman and the Genie - Review

9/10Wednesday 3:15-5:00 PMThe Husband and the Parrot &
The Devoted Israelite 2 - Review

9/11Thursday     3:15-5:00 PMThe Carpet Weaver’s Magic Tale 2,
Bazaar 1 & 2 - Review

9/15Monday       3:15-5:00 PMReview Full Show – OFF BOOK!

9/16Tuesday      3:15-5:00 PMReview Full Show – OFF BOOK!

9/17Wednesday 3:15-5:00 PMRun Full Show

9/18Thursday     3:15-5:30 PMDress rehearsal

9/19Friday  3:15-5:30 PMDress rehearsal

9/22Monday    5:30 PMCall to get into costume
6:00 PMNotes and preparations
6:30 PMFinal Dress Rehearsal
8:00 PMHang up costumes – dismissed.

9/23Tuesday   6:00 PMCall to get into costume
6:30 PMNotes and preparations
7:00 PMFirst Performance

9/24Wednesday     12:30 PM      Call to get into costume
1:00 PMSchool Performance
2:15 PMHang up costumes – dismissed to class.

9/25Thursday  6:00 PMCall to get into costume
6:30 PMNotes and preparations
7:00 PMFinal Performance
8:15 PMPhoto Call (Dismissed at end of photo call.)