Okay…here it is…for real...the moment you’ve been waiting for…
I would love for you to read this section first, but I’m a realist. Go ahead. Scroll down. Find out your role. Make sure you check the whole list - some people are listed more than once. Come back here when you’re done. I’ll wait.
Are you back? Good. Thanks again for great auditions and strong callbacks. I really enjoyed getting to hear so many of you sing. Your voices are growing and improving so much.
If for some reason your name is not on the list, let me know. All it means is that I typed the list in incorrectly. Everyone who auditioned was cast.
Please do not be disheartened with an ensemble role. The ensemble in this show has some amazing things to do – so amazing, that I’m considering sneaking into the ensemble myself just to get a chance to sing some of the songs and do some of the dances. You are going to have a blast! I have already been bragging about having the best-singing ensemble that I have had in a decade. Yes, I’m serious.
Now…on to the rehearsal information. Thanks to so many people telling me they were not available for a rehearsal tomorrow evening, I’ve moved the first rehearsal to Monday from 3:45-6:30 PM. I know this is probably going to conflict with a few of our athletes. If you cannot attend the first rehearsal, please check in with me after school on Monday to get a script and any other information I may have for you.
And…you all have homework. (Okay, not particularly hard homework.) Come in to rehearsal on Monday with one interesting fact about Fiddler on the Roof, Russia in 1905, or the Jewish faith. Look for something you think no one else will find.
I am so proud of all of you. I can’t wait to get started.
Tevye, a dairyman
Joseph Whidby
Golde, his wife
Anne Strickland
Tevye’s Daughters
Mackenzie Scott
Kristen Oetter
Jenni Seale
Adriana Figueroa
Madison Kross
Yente, the matchmaker
Michelle Prather
Motel, a tailor
Chad Gainey
Perchik, a student
Ryan Fleming
Lazar Wolf, the butcher
Jeremy Greene
Mordcha, the innkeeper
Jake Adams
Matt Doremus
Mendel, the Rabbi’s son
Zach Shealy
Avram, the bookseller
Christopher Phillips
Nachum, the beggar
Alex Newberry
Grandma Tzeitel
Jessica Fleming
Jaime Wilcox
Jeremy Bullard
David Darnell
Shaindel, Motel’s mother/2nd Woman
Olivia Newsome
1st Woman (Rumor soloist)
Meredith Pierce
The Fiddler
Andrew Smith
1st Man
Thomas Strickland
2nd Man
Connor Tolbert
3rd Man
Tommy Neary
Adam Gorman
Russian Police
Adam Gorman
Thomas Strickland
Connor Tolbert
Tommy Neary
Stephen Dennis
Jewish Villagers of Anatevka
Pearce Groover
Jordan Murphy
Elizabeth Clark
Elizabeth Tate
Amanda Schroeder
Lily Garnett
Katherine Bolles
Anna Smith
Madison Howard
Anna Gainey
Brenley Martinez
Nicolle Smith
Katie Huggins
Maisy McDonald
Laura Harrison
India Echols
Alyssa Kuncaitis
Ashton Greene
Victoria Van Huss
Kristen Hobbs
Anna Daly Bullard
Mary Margaret Smith
Cecelia Bullard
Hannah Chambers
Paige Neary
Jessica Fleming
Jaime Wilcox
David Darnell (in certain numbers)
Stephen Dennis (in certain numbers)
Adam Gorman (in certain numbers)
Thomas Strickland (in certain numbers)
Connor Tolbert (in certain numbers)
Tommy Neary (in certain numbers)