Scene Breakdown and Schedule. Please make sure that you are clear about when each actor needs to be at rehearsal. The times get longer as the rehearsals progress deeper into September. Changes to the schedule (if needed) will be announced at rehearsal, through Twitter, and posted online at www.fpdtheatre.org.
Twitter. FPD Theatre has a feed with twitter.com. Our user name is @FPDTheatre. If you use Twitter, follow our feed for immediate updates on schedule changes and other information. I am trying to get better about using this resource more often.
Coming to Rehearsals. Performers may come over to the fine arts building at 3:15 PM – no earlier! Classes are going on in the building until 3:10 PM, and there will be no supervision available here until I can finish my class and get to the lobby. The group will be dismissed from the carpool area at the correct time.
Behavior. We have a large cast of performers! I expect the best behavior from my actors. Rehearsals take a certain amount of self-discipline. Instructions from the director or his assistants need to be followed. Disruptive behavior will lead to actors being removed from the show.
Snacks. Snacks are not provided for the cast. Performers may bring their own snack and eat it in the lobby before rehearsal. Snacks are not allowed in the auditorium at any time. Water, in a closed container, may be brought into the auditorium. If the lobby is left messy from snacks, they will no longer be allowed in the building. We need to be good citizens of the fine arts building!
Homework during rehearsals? Yes, by all means feel free to bring your homework with you to rehearsals. There will be moments when I am working with other actors that you can get some work done. You may want to bring a book to read too – especially during full runs. Many people will have some extra time during those rehearsals. Please – no phones or gaming devices.
Scripts. You will receive your script at your first rehearsal. You may write or highlight on it. It is yours to keep. Please bring it to every rehearsal – whether you have a line that day or not! Bring a pencil to write down any notes as well.
Costumes. FPD Theatre will provide all specialty costume pieces. I may ask some performers to wear their own pants (if they have something that will work for the show). All actors are responsible for their own shoes – usually a plain, black shoe. I will give plenty of notice about these requests.
Tickets. We will be charging admission to our shows this year, but we are still the best entertainment value in town! Tickets will be $5.00 for adults, free for all children. Tickets may be purchased in the lobby each night. Help us spread the word about the show! Please know that FPD Theatre policy allows no seat-saving before the house opens to the audience. Any markings left on seats will be removed before opening the doors to the audience. Please arrive early if you want a specific seat.
T-Shirts. Everyone is getting a t-shirt form today. The shirts are optional and will cost $15.00. I am currently leaning towards a gold or yellow shirt with a full-color Super Duck logo on front and the FPD Theatre logo on it…somewhere. Please return the form by Thursday, September 3, so we can order the shirts and get them back before opening night. Download a t-shirt form here!
Volunteers. I need parent volunteers in several areas: costume fittings (no sewing required!), possible costume alterations and repairs (minimal), costume assistants/greenroom monitors for show runs (very important!), and photographers. Please e-mail [Andrew.Strickland@fpdmacon.org] if you are interested in helping.
Lines. We have a very short amount of time in which to prepare this play. Please help your child review their lines and staging regularly. The days when lines must be memorized are marked in the schedule.
Sponsor. We are looking for a corporate sponsor for Super Duck. If you know of a business that might be interested please pass along the opportunity to them or talk to Mr. Strickland.
The Elementary Play:
SUPER DUCK by Brian D. Taylor
Performances: September 22-24, 2015