Here it is...finally! I'm really excited about this wonderful group! We're going to add some really cool things to the script - including some dances featuring our talented flowers and some "soldier manuevers" featuring the cards!
I did use all of the actors who auditioned. If your name is missing, let me know! It means I entered the list incorrectly!
First rehearsal: Thursday, August 22. 3:15-4:00 PM. Parents are encouraged to attend! We will be discussing schedules, costumes, tickets, and all that other fun organizational stuff!
And now...the cast (in order of appearance)!
Paige Neary
White Rabbit
Olivia Taylor
Mary Madison Foshee
Mock Turtle
Nicholas Shealy
Lory (a parrot)
Carine Cerny
Dodo (a bird)
Madalyn Ammann
Animals and Jury Members
MacKenzie Kortrey, Margaret Howard, Elizabeth Moore, Abby Smith, Sarah Andrews, Megan Greene, Kirsten Beach, Allie Ballard
Red Queen
Madison Howard
10 of Hearts (Soldier One)
Elizabeth Smith
Knave of Hearts
Jack Tuten
9 of Hearts (Soldier Two)
Taylor Chapman
Queen of Hearts
Anna Smith
Danielle Bullard
Fish Footman
Amanda Tucker
Frog Footman
Emily Culpepper
Annalee Appling
To Be Announced
Caroline Sutton
Cheshire Cat
Megan Huggins
Kayla Robinson
Caroline Hague
Mad Hatter
Hunter Layton
March Hare
Katherine Bolles
Robyn Martin
Madison Barnard
Faith Tinkey
Emily Garnett
Dancing Flowers
Elizabeth Dobson, Susanna Adams, Morgan Haney, Meghan Chamlee, Lauryn Tillman, Caroline Burns, Morgan Mullis, Caroline Radcliff, Madison Wiggins, Brynna Wilson, Anna Griggers, Jill Rogers, Molly Smith, Mimi Davis, Ellie Cottle
White Queen
Brenley Martinez
Richon Watson
Humpty Dumpty
Special Guest Star
King of Hearts
Stephen Dennis
Allie Ballard
Card Soldiers
Joshua Harvey, Holt Patton, Dane Wiggins, Tommy Bohan, Ansley Woods, Madison Griffin, Gibson Daniel, Katie Culver, Emily Barnes, Sara Parker Ware, Lindsay Turner, Georgia Butler, Savannah Tomberlin, Kathlyn Beall, Elizabeth Reed, Hannah Hurt, Natalie Smith, Sumner Carlton, Abby Garnett, Janie Beeland, Anna Roddenberry, Miranda McCranie
Updates from earlier this evening:
9:00 PM Update
The cast list is done! Hooray!
Only one's not on the site yet! I'm re-typing it now. It should be up in the next few minutes...
Thanks for waiting until this late! (As an actor myself I know the wait is never patient!)
7:30 PM Update
I see by the counter that you all have been checking this page a lot! I just wanted to let you know that I'm still hard at work on the cast list. I am probably at least another hour and a half away from a completed list. Hopefully I'll have it up before you all have to head off to bed! If not, it will be there waiting in the morning.
If you all weren't so wonderful at auditions this would go a lot faster! :-)
P.S. I think we are starting to figure out who 67 & 70 are, but keep e-mailing me just in case...
Hello all! Thanks again for two wonderful days of auditions. We had 73 people participate! I do plan to use everyone who auditioned so...welcome to the cast!
The actual cast list is still being worked on right now! However, I am missing two audition sheets and I really need your help. I'm missing the sheets for #67 and #70. I have in my notes that they were taken to be signed, but I forgot to put your names down! The forms were not brought back to me today, but I still want to use you in the show! If you were number 67 or 70 (or remember who was) will you please e-mail me at and let me know? Thanks!