Auditions – You only need to attend on one day!
Monday, November 30 (first day back from Thanksgiving) and
Tuesday, December 1
6:00 PM
Only students in grades 6-12 may audition. Auditionees should be prepared with a short section of song to sing (24 measures or less – approximately 30 seconds.) Do not panic about the singing – you can prepare a piece from a Broadway show, sing a popular song, or go
with an old favorite like “Happy Birthday.” A prepared monologue is permitted, but not required.
If you cannot attend one of these times, you may arrange an alternative audition with Mr. Strickland.
Any questions? Talk to Mr. Strickland in the fine arts building or send him an e-mail.
There has been a lot of panic from people about the dancing and singing requirements of 42nd Street. Allow me to calm your nerves a bit…
NOT EVERY ROLE INVOLVES TAP DANCING! Many of the roles do, of course, but tap is only featured in 4 musical numbers in the show.
NOT EVERY ROLE SINGS! But most do…and you do need to sing to audition one way or another. Do not worry – many non-singers participate in the musicals every year. You would be amazed how many learn to sing as part of the process. Most singing is only done in groups.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DANCE TO BE IN THIS SHOW! Most people in the show will not know how to tap dance at all. We will all learn together.
YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO DANCE. Believe it or not, tap is not the hardest dance style to learn. It is based on only a few component steps. If you can walk, you can tap dance. Trust me – I’ve taught MANY people to dance over the years.
MEN – DANCING IS NOT “GIRLY”. Tap can be of the most physical, masculine forms of dance. Dancing is a great developer of coordination, strength, cardiovascular fitness, and balance. Plus you get to make a lot of noise. Think of it as playing drums with your feet…
YOU DID NOT NEED TO ATTEND TAP WORKSHOPS TO BE IN THE SHOW! Some students participated in tap workshops over the summer and fall to prepare for the show. While they have learned a little of the choreography, we will be starting at the very beginning with the show. The workshop performers will be able to help others get used to tap dancing.
WE NEED YOU! 42nd Street is the largest musical we have ever attempted at FPD. It will take many people to pull it off. You can be part of it! Do not be worried about what you don’t think you can do, put your faith in what you can become and how much you will mean to a wonderful group of people. FPD Theatre is a family, and we love growing larger! Please join us!